Saturday 27 October 2012

The Trail of Neverending Galaxies

I recently found this whilst I was searching through some old paperwork.  It's an old story I wrote when I was 10.  Just for fun, I thought I'd post it here.  It is obviously the work of a child but it is fun and silly.  I had quite an imagination.

The Trail of Neverending Galaxies
by Annie Bell

One bright morning, Sonya and I were walking through the woods, when Sonya said, "Oh, how I wish I could go up into Space and over to the Lunar Way Galaxy."

I said "The Lunar Way Galaxy?  You'll never go there."  But I was very wrong.

Sonya looked at her watch.  "5.30, time to go home."  

I said "OK.  See you tomorrow Sonya." but as we were nearing the Mersea Road, we realised that, not only had it got dark very quickly but we were walking on STARS!  Lots and lots of stars, surrounding us!  Above, below, in front, behind, to the left and to the right of us!

Then, all of a sudden, we were flying!  We flew for about half an hour, then we landed on the Lunar Way Galaxy.  We walked around for a while, then Sonya said, "Look at that.  It's much bigger than every other star in this place, let's walk on it."  So Sonya and I walked on the weird new star!

Suddenly I shouted "Look Sonya!  There's a market going on.  Ha, hee hee.  Look, there are little green men scuttling around!" 

Sonja said "Aren't they weird, look Joanna, they've got one more of each of the parts on their bodies, except their actual bodies and heads, than us!"  And Sonya was right, because, they had 3 ears, 3 eyes, 2 noses, 2 mouths, 3 arms and 3 legs!  They were selling 3 armed moon dresses, moon jewellery, in fact everything they sold was made of moon.  Sonya and I could not think why the men were selling moon gear., then I realised that we were on one of the Lunar Way Galaxy's moons.  I told Sonya why everything was made out of moon.

Then I saw an old Lunaranian and helped him to get home. 

The old Lunaranian said "Thank you for helping me to get home, my dears.  Are you from the Milky Way Galaxy?"

"Yes," we answered.  

He said "Well, come on inside and have a Milky Way chocolate bar and a cup of tea.  My name is Loony, what's yours?"

I said "Er, my name's Joanna, and this is my friend Sonya."

He said "Oh, hello Zonya, I mean, Sonya and Joanna.  How do you do?"

"Oh hee hee ha, you are very funny Loony," I said.

"Loony by name  and loony by nature, that's me!"  said Loony.  

"Hey, Sonya, Loony is doing a dance and a song," I said.  "Look!"

"Oh, he's doing a jig," said Sonya.  And sure enough, Loony was dancing and jigging around.

Then, all of a sudden, a massive gust of wind came in and blew us over.  

"What was that?" said Sonya.

"Oh, the Gust of Galaxies.  It comes once a year to warn us that the Galaxies are about to move one place south west," said Loony.  But Loony was wrong, for, just as we were walking out of the door to go to the door to go to the Milky Way Choco and Cream Moon Bun Restaurant, there came a growl and a scream, then all the Lunaranians were running towards the way off of Lunarcreamcake Moon of the Lunar Way Galaxy.

"Help!" they screamed.  "IT'S CENTURY LUNARCRUNCHER!  Quick!  To the Milky Way Galaxy and Planet Earth!"  

"Century Lunarcruncher, my great cream cakes, let's get out of here," said Loony.  "Follow me, children." So Loony, Sonya and I ran away from Lunarcruncher.

"Loony, why isn't Century Lunarcruncher just called Lunarcruncher?" said Sonya.

"Because he comes out and eats as many Lunaranians as he can lay his hands on, and he comes once a century!" said Loony.  "He confuses us by making a gust of wind come, and we think it is the Gust of Galaxies."

"You mean, he cheats and cons you!" I said.

"Yes, I'm afraid so Joanna."  We flew for 30 minutes, then landed on the Milky Way Galaxy.

"How many galaxies are there Loony?" said Sonya. 

"Er, about 6600, Sonya," he said.  "I, myself, don't know, because there is a whole trail of Neverending Galaxies."

"Oh my goodness, are you sure, really sure Loony?" I said.

"Yes Joanna, positive," said Loony.  

"Wooh," said Sonya, "Wait till Mum hears about this.

By this time, we were in the woods, so Sonya and I each took half of the Lunaranians home with us.  

My Mummy said, "Who the heck are these ugly creatures?"

I said, "They're not ugly, they are in great danger from the Century Lunarcruncher."

Mummy said, "Yes dear, now come in everyone and Joanna can explain exactly why she has brought you weird aliens home from the woods with her."

"Well, it all started at 5.30pm.  Well Sonya was wishing we could go to the Lunar Way and just as we were on our way home, we were ..." I told her the story.  "... and that's it Mummy."  

Mummy said "Oh, sorry I was so rude to you, all of you.  Now where would you all like to sleep?"

"Well," I said, "I think that around six will fit with me in my bed Mummy."  The same sort of thing happened to Sonya.

Next morning, Sonya all the Lunaranians and I met together in Cherry Tree Woods for a meeting.

"Right," said Sonya.  "This Century Lunarcruncher has to be stopped."

"Right," said all the Lunaranians.

"Well, we have an idea," I said.  "We can't save the Lunarcreamcake Moon," I said.

"BUT!" blurted out the two of us, "We know a man who can."  We all burst out laughing.

"This wonderful man," cried Loony, "Who exactly is he?"

"Mr Stimson," we shouted.  "He does photography.  Well, you told us, Loony, that the Century Lunarcruncher will die at an artificial light flash, well, if we get a camera from Mr Stimson, we will get Lunarcruncher into Loony's house and take a photograph of Lunarcruncher.  The flash is a flash of artificial light.  It will kill him, so he can't bother the Lunar Way again."

"That is a brilliant idea girls," said Loony.  "Let's go."  So we all went to Copford Green with Mummy and I got a camera from Mr Stimson, but Mr Stimson didn't quite trust us, so he came with us to the Lunar Way.

We walked through the stars for an hour and three minutes, then we flew for two hours.  We landed on the Lunar Way Galaxy and walked to Lunarcreamcake Moon.  (The reason that we took 3 hours and 9 minutes was because Lunarcruncher was around.)  We found Lunarcruncher but he ate 7 Lunaranians.  Somehow, 50 strong bodybuilders and Loony (all Lunaranians) held him still, while Sonya, 49 other Lunaranians and I tied him up with 6 inch thick pieces of rope and then after 6 hours we got him into Loony's house, but there was no film in the camera, so we went back to Earth, got a film into the camera and tried to take a picture, but there was something wrong with the camera.  So we had to go to Fancy Photos to buy a new camera.  We bought a tiny one of those Cherry Coca Cola ones.  We put a film into it and went to the Lunar Way's Lunarcreamcake Moon and took a snapshot of Lunarcruncher.

A few days later Loony came to my house with Sonya and said "Would you like to come to Lunarcruncher's funeral?"  

I said, "Why do you want to give him a funeral, Loony?"

"It's not exactly for Lunarcruncher, it's for ..." he paused for a moment, "It's for the seven Lunaranians which he gobbled up."  Loony was obviously very upset, so I went with him to Lunarcreamcake Moon and we buried Lunarcruncher, had a cup of cream tea, (a Lunar Way Favourite.) and went home.

By the way, I didn't go to the funeral just to please Loony, I went for the eaten ones too.

The End.

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